E-Videa Heilpraktikerpruefung

Medical aid supply

The supply of medical aid is a very important factor of treating children suffering from cerebral palsy. Thanks to assistive devices, the children are able to carry out functions, of which they would generally be deprived of.

Even though that this passage can already be found in the description of Bobath-therapy, it fits in here perfectly, as it points out the significance of systematic aid through medical supply.


Citation Bobath: “motor development of brain affected people happens mainly through self motivated activity (self organisation). This needs conditions which support the practical implementation of the child and let it find individual solutions” (translated from German).

for example, by the support of assistive devices.


Skills are attained if they are carried out autonomously without any outside help. Motion sequences are optimized through repetition. With other words, walking can be learned through walking, standing can be learned through standing. If children are not able to this by them self there need some external support which is provided by the assistive devices.


All assistive devices are manufactured at the orthopaedic workshop, according to the individual requirements of the patients.


The children most frequently receive:


-special seats (corner-seats): Hilfsmittel
Thanks to special seats, children who can not sit on their own,
learn how to sit autonomously.


-standing tables:


For children who are unable to walk alone, training at the standing table
is an indispensable step of preparation before they actually practise
to stand autonomously.


-walking frame:


A walking frame can be a big help, if the child is lacking of balance.



Callipers constrain flexion-spasms of the legs and help
to stretch the leg-muscles. Furthermore, callipers are an indispensable
help for the process of making first walking attempts, provided that
the leg-muscles are still too weak to carry the full weight.


-parallel bars:




We often show the parents how to build parallel bars, as this is a very
helpful medical aid for learning how to walk or how to stand.